Northwest Territories Land Transfer Tax Calculator
All you need to know about Land Transfer Tax in Northwest Territories(NWT): Use our NWT land transfer tax calculator below to estimate how much land tax you’ll pay to buy a property in NWT.
The Land Transfer Tax is based on the value of the property and the mortgage amount.
Northwest Territories Land Transfer Tax Calculator
Living In Northwest Territories
There are so many reasons to live in the Northwest Territories, Canada. There are about 12 Ski hills all within the region where people may enjoy snowboarding and skiing for fun. Multiple beaches can be enjoyed during the summer months to cool off from the hot weather experienced in the region. For those who love an active lifestyle, Northwest Territories has many options, such as hiking trails, biking trails, and running courses all around the area for people to enjoy. The area is also well known for its many lakes and rivers, which are great for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing.
Brief Facts About Living In Northwest Territories
"Spectacular Northwest Territories"
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You are subject to a Land Transfer Tax when you buy or take ownership of a property in the Northwest Territories. The Land Transfer Tax is based on the value of the property and the mortgage amount.
Property Value
$100.00 charge or 0.20% of the property value, whichever is the highest
$1,500 plus 0.15% for the portion above the $1,000,000. property value
Mortgage Value
0.10% of the total mortgage amount (minimum charge of $80).
On the property value
Applicable Fee Rate
Up to $1,000,000
$100.00 charge or 0.20% of the property value, whichever is the highest
Greater than $1,000,000
$1,500 plus 0.15% for the portion above the $1,000,000. property value
Mortgage Value
Applicable Fee Rate
On the mortgage amount
0.10% of the total mortgage amount (minimum charge of $80).
NWT Land Transfer Tax Calculation Example
To illustrate how the land transfer tax calculation works, let’s assume you are purchasing an $800,000 property in Yellowknife and taking out a $600,000 mortgage to finance the purchase.
Property Value Tax
Property Value
Propety Value Tax
Mortgage Loan Value Tax
Mortgage Loan Value
Mortgage Value Tax
Land Transfer Tax For A $800K Property Value & $600K Mortgage Loan