Traditional mortgage comparison sites immediately attempt to monetize you and often treat you as a lead to sell. These sites simply collect your information to sell to mortgage brokers and agents, which results in you being bombarded by spam calls and aggressive salespeople.
approvU is entirely different – we aren’t a lead generator. Behind approvU is a team of licensed mortgage professionals in all the provinces and regions where we operate.
With approvU, “You call the shots. You make the decision. You make it happen.” By itself, approvU is sophisticated enough to guide you through the mortgage process without an agent or broker holding your hands. Our experts are standing by to help when you need it, not to influence your mortgage choice or sell you on what’s not best for you.
approvU will serve you better, providing you with upfront transparency unbiased mortgage selections and putting you at the forefront of one of the most important decisions of your lifetime.